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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
November 5th (Election Day)
November 11th (Veteran's Day)



Trial by jury is a fundamental part of the American system of justice, and is a right guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois. To preserve this right it is essential that the court establish and maintain a well-functioning system for the selection and utilization of jurors.

The 13th Judicial Circuit Court utilizes the ONE DAY/ONE TRIAL system of jury service. Under this system a person called to jury duty serves for the duration of one trial if selected to hear a case. But if the person is not involved with a court room by the end of one day, he or she is discharged from jury duty.

Under Illinois law, every county with a population in excess of 40,000 must establish a jury commission consisting of three members who are appointed by the circuit judges of the court. Each jury commissioner serves for a three year term.

By law the jury commissioners are to prepare a list of persons who may be called for jury service and are to discharge other duties pertaining to the operation of the jury system consistent with rules adopted by the court.

This office is responsible for the selection and summoning of prospective jurors and the management of jurors during their term of service. Illinois law requires that the names of prospective jurors be randomly drawn from a combined list of registered voters, drivers license and state identification card holders in LaSalle County.

For more Information contact us at 815-434-8262.



For further questions or concerns please call the Jury Commission office Monday through Friday from 8:00am through 4:30pm at (815) 434-8262 or (815) 434-8293.