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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
April 18th (Spring Holiday)
May 26th (Memorial Day)


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Look for the job openings under Circuit Clerk

On-Line Court Records

The Circuit Clerk's Office is proud to announce the ability to now search for court records online.  This feature will allow defendants and other people in the legal community to find case numbers, docket information and court dates on-line instead of calling into the Clerk's office.

Recovery of Unpaid Fines

Greg Vaccaro, in conjunction with Karen Donnelly, LaSalle County State's Attorney, has instituted a process for collecting unpaid fines, costs, fees and penalties which have been assessed by the Court. Collecting unpaid amounts enforces the courts' orders and reduces the need for tax dollars to support the Judicial System. The Circuit Court Clerk has committed staff to this initiative and is working with Harris & Harris to enforce collections.

Orders for Protection

The office has worked to create a user-friendly on-line system for Orders for Protection. Through the internet, a petitioner simply goes to follows the directions, reads the “help” information and electronically fills out the form. Because the internet is used, the petitioner can do this from any computer at home, in local libraries and at the Downtown Courthouse in the Circuit Clerk's office. Once the petition is completed, the petitioner must go to the Circuit Clerk's office at 119 W. Madison Street, Room 201, and sign the petition. The petition is then filed, a case number is assigned, and it is immediately available in electronic form for the Judge to hear. The Judge and law enforcement are then able to proceed to issue, serve and enforce the Order of Protection.

On-Line Traffic Ticket Payment

The Circuit Clerk's Office is proud to announce the latest feature of moving technology forward for the benefit of the citizens.  The ability to pay traffic tickets and court fines on-line is now available for cases that do not require a court appearance.  A defendant can enter a plea of guilty and pay fines and costs and, where appropriate, obtain court supervision, through the Circuit Court Clerk's secure payment web site. When a case is filed by a law enforcement agency, a defendant may view their case on this site by using information on the defendant's ticket such as the ticket number, name and date of birth or driver's license number. The ability to do this improves efficiency, saves staff time, and offers a convenience to the defendant.

Passport Services

The need for citizens to have a passport has increased with increased security measures for travel. For convenience the Circuit Clerk offers complete passport services and expedited service.

Electronic Court Call

Immediately upon entering the Downtown Courthouse or the Criminal Justice Center, the public will be able to view monitors that will answer most frequently asked questions. Large electronic wall monitors display courtroom schedules.  This makes it easier for the public and members of the legal community to locate their courtroom and hearing time.