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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
April 18th (Spring Holiday)
May 26th (Memorial Day)


We are hiring!  Click here for more information. 
Look for the job openings under Circuit Clerk

Welcome to the LaSalle County Circuit Clerk’s Website

Our website is designed to help you utilize the services and resources of the Circuit Clerk and the 13th Judicial Circuit Court.
The Circuit Clerk is a constitutional officer who is elected every four years by the voters of LaSalle County. The Circuit Clerk is a non-judicial officer of the Judicial Branch of Illinois State Government. The duties and responsibilities of the Circuit Clerk are established by State Statute as well as the Illinois Supreme Court, Administrative Office of Illinois Courts and Local rule set by The Chief Judge of the 13th Judicial Circuit.


The Circuit Clerk is responsible for maintaining the records of all traffic, criminal, civil and juvenile cases filed and heard in LaSalle County. On a daily basis, the office interacts with the public, attorneys and agencies performing several functions including the collection and disbursement of fines, fees and child support. The office is also responsible for recording filed documents and maintaining a record of all court proceedings. The Circuit Clerk’s Office also receives and holds in trust monies to be distributed on order of the court.
Please know that we are not attorneys and do not dispense legal advice.

Mission Statement

The office of the Circuit Clerk is committed to providing services to all of our citizens and the participants of the judiciary system in a courteous, timely, ethical and cost-effective manner.
As Circuit Clerk it is my honor to serve the citizens of LaSalle County.
Greg Vaccaro, Clerk of the Circuit Clerk
When you visit us, we can assist you with many different tasks. We can:
  • Provide various court forms online for you to file in your case
  • Accept payments related to a case
  • Conduct record searches and provide certified copies of court orders
  • Help you get a passport 
If you have any questions, please give us a call any time we are open. Please have a case number or name of case participant ready, so that we may more quickly help you find what you need.


MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00am - 4:30pm