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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
February 12th (Lincoln's Birthday)
February 17th (Washington's Birthday obsvd.)


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Orders of Protection are meant to prevent future abuse. Abuse can be physical or sexual (grabbing, pushing, hitting, kicking, choking, forcing you to do things you do not want to do), verbal or harassing (threats to hurt you, repeated phone calls or text messages), stalking (following you) or other similar behaviors. It is okay if you have not called the police. You may still be able to get an Order of Protection.

Through the internet, a petitioner simply goes to follows the directions, reads the “help” information and electronically fills out the form. Because the internet is used, the petitioner can do this from any computer at home, in local libraries and at the Downtown Courthouse in the Circuit Clerk's office. Once the petition is completed, you must go to the Circuit Clerk's office at 119 W. Madison Street, Room 201, and sign the petition. The petition is then filed, a case number is assigned, and it is then available in electronic form for the Judge to hear.

In addition to the filing of the Petition, there is more paperwork that must be completed in the Circuit Clerk's office before going to Court.

An Order of Protection can only be issued after a hearing by the Judge.  The filling out of the Petition does not constitute the issuance of an Order of Protection.

Click here to begin filling out your Petition for Emergency Order of Protection.