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Portable Electronic Device Policy Update


Upcoming Court Holidays:
April 18th (Spring Holiday)
May 26th (Memorial Day)


We are hiring!  Click here for more information. 
Look for the job openings under Circuit Clerk

If your ticket is marked NO COURT APPEARANCE REQUIRED and you have not attended Traffic Safety School in the past 12 months, you may be eligible to receive Court Supervision through the mail by attending Traffic Safety School. Follow the directions in Option B (AVOID CONVICTION ON YOUR DRIVING RECORD) below. Illinois Valley Community College (IVCC) offers court-approved classes for individuals ordered or choosing to attend a Traffic Safety School course. The IVCC Traffic School is located at the Main Campus in Oglesby. Once you register for Traffic Safety School with the Circuit Clerk's Office, you will be contacted by IVCC with your class schedule.    


Option A: PLEAD GUILTY - Sign the guilty plea on your citation or select the PLEAD GUILTY option and sign your name on the handout you received from the officer and pay $164. This conviction will be reported to the Illinois Secretary of State. Do NOT appear in court if you pay your ticket BEFORE your court date.  


Option B: AVOID CONVICTION ON YOUR DRIVING RECORD - Plead guilty, register for Driver Improvement Program and pay $204. Complete the Driver Improvement Program Registration Form and submit with payment to the Circuit Clerk's Office. You will receive notification of your class date in the mail.  Do NOT appear in court if you pay your ticket BEFORE your court date.  If your supervision is completed SUCCESSFULLY, there will be no conviction reported to the Secretary of State. **You must NOT have attended Traffic Safety School in the past 12 months to be eligible. If you request Driver Improvement Program by mail and are found to be ineligible because you have enrolled in the past 12 months, a conviction will be reported to the Secretary of State. Fees are not refundable.    

NOTE: If you were under the age of 18 when you were ticketed, you MUST appear in court with a parent or guardian to receive court supervision. If you were between the ages of 18 and 20 when you were ticketed, the only way to receive court supervision is by appearing in court.


Option C: PLEAD NOT GUILTY - Plead not guilty to the ticket and request either a Bench Trial (before a Judge) or a Jury Trial. Submit the form along with the blue copy of your ticket. The Circuit Clerk's office will mail you a new trial date. Do NOT appear on the court date listed on your ticket.


Option D: ONLINE OPTION - Go to and click on "ePayments & eGuilty" tab under the scrolling pictures and follow through the steps.



If you apply for the Driver Improvement Program and are found to be ineligible, a conviction will be reported to the Secretary of State.  Your school fee is non-refundable.